Coming soon: International Homoeopathic Conference on 1st and 2nd February, 2025 NEXUS 2025 organized by MNR Homoeopathic Medical College Sangareddy in partnership with Global Homoeopathic Forum (GHF) and in association with School of Artistic Homoeopathy for Young and Adult (SAHYA)

Courses Offered

Courses Offered

B.H.M.S. - BACHELOR OF HOMOEOPATHY MEDICINE& SURGERY. It is an undergraduate course. The course is for 4 & 1/2 Year study and 1 year of Internship. In the year 2016-17 Batch 100 seats were sanctioned by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India.

How to apply - A candidate should complete plus two/Intermediate with minimum 50% in Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. He should the clear the Ayush Entrance Examination and join the college as per the allocation of the university. The allotments of seats are in the Convener quota in category A & B and in the Management quota in category C.

MD (Hom.) :

No candidate shall be admitted to MD (Hom.) course unless he/ she possesses the degree of BHMS(Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery) or equivalent in Homoeopathy included in the schedule to the act, after undergoing a course of study of not less than five years and six months duration including one year compulsory internship.

The university or the authority prescribed by the central government or the state government, as the case may be shall select candidates on merit for Post Graduate course.


  • Period of training: the period of training for MD (Hom.) shall be three years after full registration including one year of house job.
  • The emphasis shall be on in service training and not on didactic lectures. The candidate should take part in seminars, group discussions, clinical meetings and journal club.
  • The candidate shall be required to write a dissertation with detailed commentary, which would provide the candidate with necessary background of training in research methods and techniques along with the art of writing research papers and learning and making use of library.
  • The candidate shall be in the hospital campus and shall be given graded responsibility in the management and treatment of patients entrusted to his/ her care.
  • He/ she shall participate in teaching and training of undergraduate students and/ or interns.
COURSES Doctor Of Medicine (Homoeopathy)- MD (Hom.)

MD (Hom.) organon of Medicine

  • Fundamental principles of homoeopathy
  • Dynamic & Holistic concepts of life
  • Hahnemannian Lesser writings
  • Hahnemannian Theory of chronic diseases
  • General philosophy
  • Psychology- Sigmund Freud
  • Richard Hughes Philosophy
  • Knowledge of Physician
  • The chronic miasms- J H Allen
  • Principles of Homoeopathy- Garth Boericke.

MD (Hom.) Homoeopathic Materia Medica.

  • Drug pictures of the remedies
  • Comparison & relationship of remedies
  • Group study of remedies
  • Scope and nature of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
  • Different ways of studying Homoeopathic Materia Medica
  • Portraits of remedies
  • Acute, chronic, constitutional and tissue remedies
  • Study of drugs from source books
  • Clinical application of drugs
  • Therapeutic usage of drugs

MD (Hom.) Practice of Medicine

  • Orientation of general and systemic clinical examination
  • Principles and practice of evidence based medicine
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Respiratory system
  • Cardio vascular system
  • Immunology
  • Nephrology
  • Hematology
  • Oncology
  • Genetics

MD (Hom.) Pediatrics.

  • Growth and development knowledge
  • Fetus, newborn, infant, preschool, early school Behaviors
  • Adolescent health knowledge
  • Genetic disorder knowledge
  • Critical care pediatrics
  • Neonatology with homoeopathic therapeutics knowledge
  • Allergy and clinical immunology
  • Immunization
  • Community pediatrics
  • Child nutrition

MD (Hom.) Repertory & Casetaking.

  • Case taking
  • Case analysis for repertorisation
  • Sources and origin of repertory
  • General principles of repertorisation
  • Definition and requisition of repertory
  • Scope and limitation of repertory
  • Symptom analysis for repertorisation
  • Techniques of repertorisation
  • Card repertorisation
  • Computer repertorisation

MD (Hom.) Homoeopathic Pharmacy.

  • Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmacology
  • Homoeopathic Drug proving
  • Homoeopathic Pharmaceutics
  • Homoeopathic Posology
  • Homoeopathic Dispensing
  • Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeias
  • Drug and cosmetic act
  • Pharmaceutical analysis
  • Experimental pharmacology

MD (Hom.) Psychiatry.

  • Nature and fundamental concepts of psychology
  • Theories of motivation
  • Stress management
  • Personality development disorders
  • Mental diseases
  • Clinical psychiatry
  • Psychopathology
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Affective disorder
  • Somatoform disorder


Starting New PG Course MD(Hom) Academic Year 2021-22

SI No Subject Seats
1 Practice of Medicine 10
2 Repertory 10
3 Psychiatry 09
4 Homoeopathic Pharmacy 10
5 Paediatrics 10
6 Materia Medica 07
7 Organon of Medicine 10



SI No MD (Hom.) PART-1 EXAMINATIONS First Term Subjects for Examinations (M- Marks)
1 MD (Hom.)
Organon of Medicine
1. Homoeopathic philosophy & Organon of Medicine(150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
2 MD (Hom.)
Materia Medica
1. Homoeopathic Materia Medica (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
3 MD (Hom.)
Repertory & Case taking
1. Repertory (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
4 MD (Hom.)
Homoeopathic Pharmacy
1. Homoeopathic Pharmacy (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
5 MD (Hom.)
Practice of Medicine
1. Practice of Medicine (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
6 MD (Hom.)
1. Pediatrics (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)
7 MD (Hom.)
1. Psychiatry (150 M)
2.Reasearch Methodology & Biostatistics(100 M)
3. Advanced teaching of fundamental Homoeopathy(150 M)


Phase Terms distribution University examination
6 Months 6 Months 6 Months
I 1 2 3 MD (Part I) Professional examination during the Third term
II 4 5 6 MD(Part II) Professional examination during the Sixth term

MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION: nstructions are imparted through English medium, the question papers for the examination shall be set in English and answer books should be written in English only.



  • The application form for admission from the office of the Director or download from our website
  • Admission form should be submitted along with attested copies of following documents (03 sets)
  • Certificate of passing and statement of marks of SSC Exam/ its equivalent.
  • Certificate of passing and statement of marks of HSSC/ Inter/ (12th STD) exam/ its equivalent.
  • College/ School leaving/ Transfer certificate.
  • Certificate of birth.
  • Equivalency certificate of other boards from board of intermediate education, Hyderabad.
  • Bonafide/ Certificate of Conduct.
  • BHMS Degree marks memos (I/II/III/IV BHMS)
  • Provisional/ Original Degree Certificate
  • Permanent Registration Certificate
  • Permanent Registration Certificate
  • Caste certificate from designated authorities in case of an applicant to SC/ ST/ OBC.
  • Five (05) copies of recent passport sized photographs.
  • Statement of Rank card of AIAPGET Examination.
  • Statement of Marks card of AIAPGET Examination.

A student from other state who has secured admission to this course should submit the migration certificate immediately.

As prescribed by KNR University of Health Sciences and Government of Telangana.

A) Students are required to attend not less than 85% of lectures in Theory and 85% Practicals , clinical/ Seminars etc. Of each subject, in order to qualify to appear for annual university examinations.
B) All tests or examinations conducted by the college or its various departments are compulsory for the students of the college.

Students are required to maintain high standards of discipline. They are subjected to the rules and regulations of the college, NCH (National commission for Homoeopathy) and the KNR University of Health Sciences, as are displayed on the notice board from time to time.

The principal reserves the right to rusticate the name of student from the role for failure to pay the dues or unsatisfactory conduct or poor performance in the examination conducted by the college and its departments.

The identity card signed by the principal is mandatory for every student. They must carry the identity card on their person. If lost a duplicate card can be obtained on prescribed payment.

Ragging in any form within or outside the college/ Hospital/ Hostel campus is strictly prohibited.